In June, Benki, accompanied by a delegation from the Institute, concluded the annual US tour with the Boa Foundation at the Aniwa Gathering in Big Bear, California. Serving as the indigenous Director of the Boa Foundation, Benki played a key role in sharing messages and prayers with nearly 800 participants, including over 40 indigenous elders from around the world.

This year at Aniwa, Benki was joined by his son Raine, Vice President of the Institute, and his nephew Piyanko. The gathering united indigenous leaders, including Apache, Kogi, Huni Kuin, Kayapo, Hopi, Muscogee, Mayan, Thunghutti and Bundjalung, in service for humanity.

Benki addressed various topics, including relationships, environmental activism and the significance of music in Ashaninka culture. Raine and Piyanko, as youth leaders, shared their perspectives with aspiring young activists.

Benki’s resonant message, “let us always help the ones in need”, reflects the Institute’s commitment to positive change and extending support to those facing challenges. 

The 4-day gathering concluded with a profound collective prayer, as indigenous leaders from over 40 nations prayed simultaneously for humanity.

Photograph by the Aniwa Media Team.

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