In February and March, the overflow of some of the main rivers, such as the Acre and Juruá rivers, triggered a state of emergency in 19 municipalities in the state of Acre, including Marechal Thaumaturgo, where the Institute is based. The floods devastated the homes of more than 2000 people in the municipality and destroyed crops, livestock and fish, creating widespread vulnerability and food shortages.

Within the Institute, the floods resulted in the loss of a approximately 90,000 fish. The Institute managed to mitigate some of the damage through focused efforts to recover fish, which were living in the ponds, and other animals that were swept away or displaced by the floods. As part of local recovery efforts, Benki initiated a program to address the severe lack of basic necessities, distributing food baskets and fish to the community.

The flooding necessitated an immediate harvest of crops to prevent further damage, leading the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute’s team to assist local farmers in harvesting cassava to produce flour, which can be stored for longer periods.

In April, Benki also supported neighboring communities in implementing their own fish tank systems. This is another example of the Institute’s ongoing commitment to nurturing food sovereignty in the region, fostering a resilient community capable of responding to the increasing environmental crises driven by climate change.

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