On November 21st, The “Guardians of The Forests” series premiered at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. Hosted by The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation during the Forests and Communities Initiative conference, this event introduced a documentary series highlighting the importance of preserving our planet’s vital forest ecosystems.

The series, led by five directors and showcasing five indigenous leaders entrenched within endangered primary forests across the globe, revolves around environmental preservation and biodiversity protection. The premiere gathered producer Muriel Barra, director Luc Marescot, and the five guardians: Benki Piyãko from Brazil, Hilarion Kassa Moussavou “Mambongo” from Gabon, Twyla Edgi Masuzumi from Canada, Mundiya Kepanga from Papua, and Tumursukh Jal from Mongolia. Their joint presence in Monaco before COP 28 was intentional, aiming to convey a strong message to the world about the urgency of environmental conservation.

The featured episode, “Brazil – Replanting the Amazon,” directed by Luc Marescot and highlighting Benki’s environmental initiatives, took center stage at the event. This selection held symbolic significance as the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation recently inaugurated a branch in São Paolo, Brazil, reinforcing the global importance of the showcased conservation efforts. Post-screening discussions delved deeper into each guardian’s environmental work, emphasizing the recognition of indigenous wisdom and the integration of their knowledge into global conservation endeavors.

The significance of this premiere extends beyond the confines of Monaco. Embarking on a two-week tour across France, the guardians aimed to extend their message and foster greater awareness about forests’ invaluable role in sustaining life on Earth.

On November 25th, The Guardian’s tour continued to the inaugural ‘Evian Summit. This summit brought together the Five Guardians in engaging workshops focused on the central theme of forest protection with the aim of empowering youth to actively participate in creating innovative and inclusive solutions. These collective efforts aimed not only at accessibility but also to instill commitments that resonate across generations, ensuring a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

On December 2nd, the five Forest Guardians convened once more for the highly anticipated documentary launch event at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris. The occasion also included an engaging discussion session to foster interaction with the audience. Attendees were provided a unique platform to directly engage with the leaders, allowing them to pose questions and actively participate in a profound exchange of experiences.

“Guardians of The Forests” premiered on Arte TV on December 9 and became available on starting December 2.

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